Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Film Title Ideas

We had many ideas for the title of our film, our ideas are below with our final decision...

‘The Unearthing’

This title would suit our horror film as it hints towards the narrative (i.e. Mary-Anne unearths a horrible secret.) It also creates a sense of intrigue for the target audience, who will naturally want to know what is actually ‘unearthed’ within the film. The word ‘earth’also connotes natural imagery; since birth is a natural part of life, and since Mary-Anne’s mother, Ethel, put Dennis up for adoption, she is going against human nature. The prefix ‘un’ is used in words which suggests something is not quite right and negative e.g unusual, unknown. Therefore ‘un’ and‘earth’ put together subtly signal further towards the narrative of the film –therefore this title is extremely appropriate. It could also further be argued that ‘earth’ signals specifically towards mud – disgusting, dark and grim, just like the truth Mary-Anne discovers.

‘The Unwanted’

We like this title as, after all, Dennis is the unwanted child within the film. It is also upfront and blunt compared to the other titles. It suggests Dennis never was and never will be wanted in anyone’s life – a fact he is struggling to deal with throughout the movie and throughout his life. It also reflects the fact that Mary-Anne’s life was perfect until Dennis came into the picture – his presence causes unwanted problems and disturbs Mary-Anne’s peaceful, happy life. However, this title does also suggest that the disruption within Mary-Anne’s life is caused by a presence, as opposed to a person, and therefore isn’t very representative of the actual narrative or sub-genre therefore this title could possibly attract the wrong kind of audience.

‘The Forgotten’

This title could be extremely appropriate, as it, again, conventionally hints towards the narrative of our film (a forgotten son comes back to wreak revenge on his sister). ‘The’ also suggests that his presence has a significant impact within Mary-Anne’s life, as, after all, he is the most important role within the narrative. However, this title does also suggest, again, that a force comes to disturb Mary-Anne’s life, as opposed to a person. You can also link this title to 'The Uninvited'

‘If You Sit Quietly’

This is a significant line within our film; Dennis says this throughout the film as he was told to sit quietly by his abusive foster mother and it is stuck in his warped mind. The fact Dennis tells Mary-Anne to ‘sit quietly’ also suggests the narrative and the sub-genre – he is trying to control her, and get into her mind (making it a clear psychological horror). Therefore its eerie-ness will stand out to the audience, making it memorable and an appropriate title for our film.


This title is significant of the fact that Dennis is forever alone and is also forgotten by his family – the single word represents the loneliness which drives Dennis to stalk his sister, Mary-Anne. The fact it is a single word also makes it sound much more dramatic, than say, ‘The Forgotten’ as it is a word which doesn’t seem to make sense on it’s own. This makes the audience much more curious about who/what has been forgotten and why; they need to figure it out by watching the movie, and therefore as it provides food for thought, it will attract the perfect target audience. Therefore this is why we have selected this title as the title for our film; although ‘If You Sit Quietly’and ‘The Unearthing’ are extremely suitable titles for our film, we feel that ‘Forgotten’gives it a much more chilling feel.

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