Thursday, 28 November 2013

Original Brief

My team and I have been set the task of creating a promotional campaign to advertise a new film. There are three pieces of media needed in order for this task to be completed successfully; a promotional trailer, a film poster, and a film magazine front cover. All of these pieces will have a clear relationship with each other, and share a common look and feel. This will create a symbiotic link which will allow our pieces to look professional and be more recognisable to their audience.

The film we will be advertising will be exist within the horror genre. There are a number of different reasons why horror was our first choice. As a group horror is our favourite genre when it comes to film. This is mainly because we enjoy how horror films have the power to completely raise adrenaline and terrify audiences. This is something we hope to achieve whilst creating our promotional package using techniques and practises we have recognised through watching and analysing horror films and trailers ourselves.
A skill we have developed since watching media texts is being able to recognise typical conventions through the horror genre. Through our experience of analysis in existing media texts we will be able to convey these conventions in our promotional package successfully; this will appeal to our target audience and allow them to recognise the genre we are creating.

Charlotte Mitchell, Amber Khamou and I will be working on creating a chilling and effective promotional package. We are very much looking forward to starting as our love for the horror genre will allow to passionately express our previous media skills and talents throughout this project to create the best three pieces we can.

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